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Elizabethtown bear mascot
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Elizabethtown bear mascot
Logo: EAHS bear mascotThe bear is the mascot of the Elizabethtown Area Schools.

EAHS bear mascot carved out of a treeIn June 2022, instead of fully cutting down a tree, someone had a bear mascot carved out part of the tree trunk. Northwest corner of East Willow street and North Locust street.

2. 1947 yearbook
Elizabethwown High School lobby with bear mascotFor many years the bear has been the mascot of our school. The bear, we believe, is a fitting symbol for our athletic teams and high school, since the bear is well known to be a determined and intelligent fighter. For this reason we have chosen the bear to be our school's mascot. Elizabethtown 1947 yearbook.

The bear in the lobby was donated by Barry Shaw.

3. Hershey Bears
Hershey bar

There appears to be no direct connection of the EAHS bear with the Hershey Bears minor league hockey team

It appears that the name Hershey "bears" started when the name Hershey "bars" was denied due to it being considered just advertising.

The German word "Bär""bear".

4. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640