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English class
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. English class
I really never cared for English class but it was a class everyone had to take.

2. 7th grade
By 7th grade, I discovered that even if one could not write that well, some creative artwork on the cover appeared to raise the grade earned.

3. Thor
Here as a coversheet for a short paper on the Norse god Thor. Alexander the GreatBy short, I mean one handwritten page. History write-upThe date is April 29, 1969. I might have received an A (4) but, instead, received a B (3) since it was "Late"! History write-upNote: I greatly changed how I wrote my name sometime later, but this is how I wrote it then. (to be continued)

4. 9th grade
On reflection, Mrs. Heilner was the best English teacher I ever had. Note: I had heard that Mr. Miller was very good, but I never had the opportunity to have him.

5. 10th grade
In 10th grade, I had Mrs. Heilner for a second year.

The only part I really liked was Les Miserables, but not because I liked French.

I did my report on the battle of Waterloo in 1815, including a map and some graphics.

Here are some drawings included in the report. I think they were all French soldiers.

6. French soldier
French soldier

7. French soldier
Frinch soldier

8. French soldier
French soldier

9. French soldier
French soldierThe report was about 6 typed pages, and included a map and order of battle. I also did a plaster of paris model, about 18 inches square, to show the layout of the terrain and the placement of the forces at the start of the battle.

10. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640