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Kindergarten: Miss Herr
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Kindergarten: Miss Herr
This was 1961-1962.

Miss Herr was in her first few years. My niece Amy had her in last year, many years later.

During the Fall, Miss Herr would do a silhouette of every student and send it home as a Christmas present to the parents. This was when it was ok to call Christmas as Christmas. I still have mine.

We were divided into tables with a bird sign on each table. I was near the bathroom on the door side, but do not remember which bird our table had.

I attended in the morning session, others in the afternoon. We car pooled and I remember mom and dad driving me around and showing each house where the other students lived. Mrs. Charles would often take her keys out of the car while it was running - something that is not allowed in cars today. Mrs. Fuller would later host Cub Scouts in which I participated.

At recess, we played in the outside area with a wall, which seemed high then, but, in later years, appeared very low.

more to be added

by RS : 1024 x 640