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Grade 2: Mrs Lehman
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Grade 2: Mrs Lehman
This was 1963-1964.

In November, President Kennedy was assassinated and we were sent home, although it took a while for what happened to sink in.

I later realized that I had seen Eisenhower on TV but only remember a black and white image of an older man without much hair talking on TV. We did not have color TV for a few years and saw it at the owner of Hoffman's Nursery (I think) for the first time a year or so later.

I thought I knew some big words at the time because I would spell the word "something" made up of "some" and "thing". But I never did well at spelling and still have trouble with it - especially when I type fast. Spell checkers help.

I started reading a lot of biography and history books later in the year, simple ones, but went from there.

About this time, Olmstead Air Force base in Middletown closed and many students disappeared - having moved out of the area. Olmstead would later become Harrisburg International Airport.

more to be added

by RS : 1024 x 640