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11th grade social studies: Mr. Hunsecker
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. 11th grade social studies: Mr. Hunsecker
This was 1972-1973.

Mr. Hunsecker ran a pretty loose class without many real requirements. We did some current events. I remember that he was/acted amazed that I was the only one who know where Ethiopia was located. I knew about it from the map and the invasion of Ethiopia (which did not go well) by Italy under Mussolini prior to World War II.

At one point, Mr. Hunsecker remarked that people in the class would talk big (when talking about past atrocities), but (I assume referring to Nazi Germany under Hitler, the Soviet Union under Stalin, etc.) if the people in charge shot a few of you, the rest would do what was requested.

I think I did a series of reports in this grade on the Middle East, with maps, etc., as follows.

2. Algeria
Here is the map I drew for Algeria.

Algeria map

3. Saudi Arabia
Here is the map I drew for Saudi Arabia and Oman.

Saudi Arabia map

4. Flags
Here are the flags I created (via water color) for Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Note how the water from the water color warped the paper, leaving the streaks, especially when imaged.

Mideast flags

5. Kuwait
Here is the page summary of Kuwait, which many years later would be in the news as part of the Gulf War.

Kuwait map

6. Israel
Here is the map I drew for Israel.

Israel map

7. Flag of Israel
Here is the flag of Israel along with a magazine clipping on the military situation in the Middle East at the time.

Israel flag

8. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640