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9th grade social studies: Mr. Warble
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. 9th grade social studies: Mr. Warble
This was 1970-1971.

Mr. Warble taught a good American history class, part 1. His wife had passed away (from cancer, I think) either during our class or before or after, so he probably had a lot of other things on his mind.

2. Book report
Having studied and visited most of the battlefields of the American Civil War, I did my book report on a book about battles in the Civil War. Here is my cover sheet. Civil War: front cover

3. Page 1
Here is page 1 of 3.

Civil War book repont: page 1/3

4. Page 2
Here is page 2 of 3.

Civil War book report: page 2/3

5. Page 3
Here is page 3 of 3, with remarks from Mr. Warble.

Civil War book report: page 2/3

6. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640